Monday, November 30, 2009

2010.. It's time to change !

Last semester is the end of "main-main".Im not serious in study,i didnt do homework & i used to copy cat my friend's work.It is not like when i was in semester 1 & 2,every nite i will revised what i've learn on the day topping up with a tones of account question.But when it comes to semester 3,i feel demoralize.May be because of so many things happen in the beginning of the semester.1st,i cant adopt myself with the new roomate which i never know them before.They are all kelantanese [bukan untuk membangkitkan isu negeri].When i am with them,i feel like an alien.You know how it feel?huh! it's suck! && that's ruin my mood to study for the whole semester!
[fakta @ auta?]

Next is about my account lecturer,she's so kind && firm..She's not strict,hence it doesnt matter if i didnt do her homework.And padan lahh muka aku account sem neh dpt A-.Sebelum2 neh ta pernah dpt A- pown.Sob3.Ehhh,dont misunderstood,i didnt blame her.
What im trying to say here is i used to have a strict account lecturer before &

im lovin it (:

Moreover,i didnt coped with studies especially costing.Costing is totally differ with financial accounting & im nearly give up of studying costing.

I think that's enough & i dont want to mention the other reasons.

It will seem like i am a bad carpenter who blame his tool.


Now i realised.

Life will be dull if there is no difficulties

What i've experienced last semester is a process of learning about life.Luckily,my GPA for semester 3 not so bad,i guess? Btw,Thanks god.

So,this year,2010,i am going to go through 2 more semester to get my Diploma In Accountancy.Insya-Allah.. Oops! not forgotten,3 months of practical to complete the course (:

This 2 semester gonna be a bloody tough or may be a killer sem!
For me,its mean more effort.more numb3rs.more tears && more sleepless nite.
I wont repeat my previous mistake & i dont want to regret what i've done.
Like people always said

"Let bygones be bygones".

Here i am,promise to myself to put more effort on studies,no more sit at the back & talking while lecturer teaching,i will always sit in front in the class && give full concentration.

My aim for this year is not to repeat any subject && maintain GPA 3.8 above.

Pray for me (:

In this picture Khairun Nazalia [red Baju Kurung]
She is my close friend & also my biggest competitors.

Here,i am wishing you best of luck dear! Im sure the next 2 semester gonna be a stiff competition between both of us.But Let's have a win-win situation.
Sama2 maintain COPA sampai habes weyy!!


I wish to have a guys as one of my competitors.It's not only im the only one who wish this but Naza too.Actually,both of us wish to have DIA guys as our competitor.


DIA guys! WAKE UP! And show to all of us that you can!
2010,It's time to change !

Last but not least,no matter what,i will do my best in life.
In 10 years,i hope i've become an accountant with "ACCA" title.

Thanks for reading (:
Take care.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Life through my eyes ^_^

I remember when i was younger
Life was so much easier
no problems to worry about
living life without a single doubt

But now,
Everything has changed
I feel like i am living in a cage
In a world filled with rage
Where i have to act my age

I dont want to grow up so fast
But there's no turning back
I am going toward the future
Which i'm wishing to stay in the past

Time is moving quickly
And im starting to fear
About the uncertainty of the future
And i am still standing right here

I know im only 19
And there's much more to come
I know i cant never run or escape
from all those things
But i'll try my best to appreciate life
So i wont regret later on

But life is never perfect
No matter how much i have tried
Or how much i have cried
Many things that i have wanted
I could never get

I wish i dont have a heart nor feelings
Cz its hurt once you are fall
But it seems worthless to have a heart
If you dont feel all those pain
Cz all those experience
Having value too great to be measured

But still,
I want back those years
Where memories & photographs
Are the only i have now
For remembrance

So,as time flies
My worries growing bigger in size
But no matter what
I promise myself
To always make the best out of my life

Becausei know
That life is never fair
And things may not go on my way
But i'll just have to be brave
To put the past behind me
And say to myself
Yesterday will always be yesterday

Saturday, November 28, 2009

1st entry for my blog

Eceh.. 1st entry mestilah kena kenal2 dulu kan?


ku diberi nama Nabila pada tanggal 6 Oktober 1990 iaitu 19tahun yang lalu.

Menurut cerita abah,dia kata sepatutnya nama aku Nadia bukanlah Nabila tapi mak aku nak sangatt nama Nabila.So,abah pun beralah lahh..

Tapi nape tak letak je 2 2 nama kan? Bukankah itu lebih adil?

Disebabkan aku nak jugak ada 2 2 nama.So,ada a few kawan aku yang panggil aku "nad" (:

Cakap pasal nama,nama aku memang lahh tersangatt pendek..Tiada Nur,Nurul mahupun

Hanya Nabila binti Mazlam..


i got 4 siblings & im the eldest && the only daughter in this family..
let me tell you sumthing,korg ingt bestt kah jadi satu-satunya anak perempuan dlm keluarga?! dimanjakan? apa nak semua dapat?
heh! jangan mimpi..
Menjelang je cuti semester,muka neh jugakk lahh yang jadi "maid" kt rumah.
&& kalau aku nak sesuatu, i need to prove to them that i deserve it..Baru lahh boleh dpt..


Hobi aku simple je..
Hanya ada 5 huruf..
Cuba korg teka ape??



kalau jwpm korg ialah tidur? yahh! 10 markah untuk anda :)

Aku memang suka tidur.Kalau korg nak tahu? Itu pun kalau nak tahu lahh..
Hehe..Hobi neh telah ku praktikkan sejak dari baby lagi.
Abah kata dr dulu kalau naik kereta tak sempat masuk gear 2 aku dah tidur..

See?? betapa senangnya aku bole tidur??! :)

& actually hobi neh berterusan sampai sekarang.
haha.teruk betul lahh den neh..

Dalam sesetengah hal,aku agak pelik & i admit it. Antaranya :
1.Cara pegang pen & menulis
- kepada mereka2 yang pernah tengok macam mana aku pegang pen,mereka tahu lahh &&
soalan paling fames diorg tanya ialah "macammana ko pegang pen tu?"

nak tahu apa aku jawab?
disebabkan aku dah muak diajukan soalan2 yang sama tiap kali,jadi aku akan jawab sebegini
" ko orang ke 101 yang tanya :) "

2. 1 perkara yang aku pelik tentang diri aku ialah bila aku pindah je ke sekolah baru,aku mesti
akan terjatuh & kejadian itu akan disaksikan oleh ramai pelajar2 lain.

Haiyoo! malu ohh!

Kalau dikira ada dekat 5 sekolah aku pindah dari tadika.Cuba korg bayangkan berapa banyak
kali aku dah termalu sebab jatuh kt sekolah?

Tapi bila teringat balik rasa kelakar plakk..hehe

3. Ada tak antara korg neh yang tuang teh kt atas mihun pastu makan??


mungkin takde kowt.

cume aku jer yang buat perkara neh.

tapi aku suke ohh..sedappp..

mungkin korg boleh try nt (:

Okayy..cukup cerita pasal perkara pelik tentang diri aku.Nanti kalau aku cerita lebih2 korg kata aku alien plakk.


Sebenarnya aku seorang yang pemalu.Korg percaya tak?

Tak percaya,sudehh..

Aku menjadi seorang yang pendiam bila berhadapan dengan orang yang tak ku kenali @ tak biasa dengan org tuh.

Orang jugak beranggapan yang aku sombong!


tak sombong pun sebenarnya,cuma segan


bila aku dah biasa dengan org tuh..Bersiap sedialah..

"Korg tak payah cakap,biar aku sorg jer yang cakap"

Aku takkan bagi chance kt korg utk bercakap,aku jer yang akan bercakap tanpa henti.


Cakap pasal sombong, aku dah dengar ramai yang cakap aku sombong..

Biarlahh aku terangkan disini...
Aku sebenarnya tak sombong pun.Kalau korg jauh dari aku tapi korg senyum,aku tak balas.Tuh bukan apa..Aku sebenarnya rabun.Tak nampak la plakk korg senyum.So,sorry ek tak senyum balik.haha.Korg mesti tertanya2[ buat-buat la tanya] kalau dah tahu rabun nape tak pakai spect? Hm..sebabnya ialah aku tak berapa reti pakai spect dengan tudung..heh~

Lagi 1,aku memang dianugerahkan muka sombong.
So,aku tak bole ubah.

If u make friend with me then u'll know The Real Nabila Mazlam.

Aku rasa dah panjang lebar aku berceloteh,jadi setakat ini sajalahh mengenai diri aku~

thanks for reading (:
